Friday, March 30, 2012

Dress code

Well, this will be the last post as I am leaving for Paris tomorrow - can%26#39;t wait! Being a first timer I am interested to know how %26quot;dressy%26quot; Paris is by evening. What should I pack? Any comments greatly appreciated x


Wear the same thing you would at home when dressing for the evening.

And please post again.


Paris is not dressy at all for normal people. You can go to just about any restaurant (or theatre or the opera) wearing clean jeans.

During the day, anything goes:

How to look like a tourist:

How to look like a local:


got any links to pictures for winter? we%26#39;re going in march. :)


Ha! I haven%26#39;t done winter yet, but I plan to!


Hi -

I take black slacks and one long black skirt. My tops are all white except for the black tee I wear on the plane, and I have a black cashmere cardigan and a large red wool shawl for the evenings and heavy air conditioning. Those things and a pair of black leather shoes (don%26#39;t get carried away with heels - the cobblestones will kill both them and your ankles) will get you through almost anything. I take one smart top and I%26#39;m ready.

Bon voyage


Unless you%26#39;re planning to go to very established, high-end restaurants (e.g. Taillevent), %26quot;smart casual%26quot; will be appropriate just about anywhere. I mostly wear dark-wash or black jeans and feel appropriately dressed in all situations. The most important thing is to bring shoes that are comfortable to walk in for hours at a time.


1BCTraveller had it right. Pick a base color (black, brown, grey) and bring a couple of versatile basics in that color. One or two pair of slacks, a skirt etc. Then white shirts which go with everything. A sweater, a jacket and you%26#39;re good to go ANYWHERE.

Btw, I%26#39;ve decided that Paris is sick of seeing me in black. This trip I%26#39;m going with brown. Ah, life on the edge :)


Thanks guys! Appreciate the help!


I%26#39;m bringing a simple but elegant basic black jersey dress, i can dress up or down with heels or sandals, we won%26#39;t be dining in high end restaurats, will this be too dressy for an average restaurant or brasserie, or should i stick with dressy jeans or black slacks?


I think it really depends on what you%26#39;d normally wear and feel comfortable in. I%26#39;m not a %26quot;dress person%26quot; (has to be a very special occasion) so I%26#39;d tend to feel overdressed wearing a dress as you%26#39;ve described to a cafe or brasserie. On the other hand, if this is something you%26#39;d throw on to go to a movie and casual dinner afterward, then go for it. People in Paris really don%26#39;t dress up any more than you%26#39;d see in any US city.

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