Friday, March 30, 2012

Connelles to Versailles

We are staying at Connelles in late October, and wondering how easy it might be to visit Versailles from there. Is it easy by public transport? If so, how would we do it, how long would it take, and how much would that be?

Or would it be better to drive? If so, by what route, and how long would that take? Many thanks!


The best option is to drive. It%26#39;ll take you an hour 10 minutes along the A13.


Thank you very much!


Hi there,

We stayed in Connelles in March and drove to Versailles.It%26#39;s an easy drive on the A13.We parked in an underground car park near the market.I think it took us about ten minutes to walk to the chateau.

Be prepared for crowds.Although it didn%26#39;t take TOO long to get tickets and go through security,it did take a while to get audio guides and the apartments themselves were heaving.And this was only March.


Thanks, Mummygaot. We are staying at Le Manoir de Deux Amants. Is that where you were? Have you any other tips, ideas for sightseeing etc? Thanks again!

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