Friday, March 30, 2012

Still many problems at Domaine Juan Flore

We have now lived (rented) in an apartment for 3 months. It should be interesting, both for owners and prospective tenants to share some of our experiences.

Earlier topics on this forum have addressed the local building standards, specifically in domaine Juan Flore. Building design and construction quality are genrally sub-standard in this area compared to Northern European levels. Recent heavy rainfalls have soaked both the garden areas and flooded garages. There is no proper drainage around the buildings. Water was rushing into the basement (about 10 liters per minute) through the wall and along electric cables into the garbage room. For several days we could not access this area and had to park outside. Apparently the drains are below sea level and do not discharge properly. The beach is no longer only 200 meters away since the storms have flooded the tunnels (under the railway) and filled half way with sand. Now you have to walk almost 2 km to get to the beach. Hopefully, this will be OK for next summer.

Security is very lax. Gates stay open for weeks. No patrols at all. Doorhandles of entrences have fallen off and are not replaced after 2 months. Elevators are not properly tuned and stop working sometimes. The domaine has no central cable/satelite TV service nor Wifi hotspots. We have also wondered if there is any type of health inspection. The area seems infested by cockroaches. And, of course all these dog dumps everywhere, even in front of our entrance!! Not the dog%26#39;s fault. Therefore, and since the outside lighting is not working either, we avoid walking in darkness. We have lived in France for many years and love the French culture. Also dogs are part of the culture.

The worst thing is traffic. Our access road can only be used one way. An uninterrupted line of illegally parked cars on the South side of the road makes passing impossible. After having observed an ambulance being blocked by meeting traffic I talked to the police. I pointed at the %26quot;parking forbidden%26quot; sign and asked why the police does not act. The answer was very casual: %26quot;We can%26#39;t do anything nor give tickets, it%26#39;s a private road, but hopefully the road will be opened for through traffic next year. Then it will be public and we%26#39;ll react.%26quot; I have practiced a lot of reverse driving since then. Not easy with a stiff neck!! --- Happy to answer any questions.

Viking in Juan Les Pins


What a shame , Viking.

Unfortunately new builds anywhere are prone to problems

New builds are attractive here because the fees are smaller

A friend of mine bought a fairly new build in juan les pins but after it was 5 years old so that the teething troubles had been sorted out.

the fact that often these places are deserted in winter has an effect on the speed of repairs too.

Bestioles such as blattes [not blettes lol] are a common problem in apartment blocks and exterminators quite often come round apartment blocks every few months to clear them-its cheaper when everyone in a block is having it done but you need to pay for it yourself unless you can force the opwner to do it. There is usually a notice placed in the common areas showing when the exterminators are in the area if that helps at all.


Hi, we are due to pick up our keys in March 2009 and are very worried now we have read this. Could you tell me if this is still happening or if they are rectifying any of these problems? Thanks


Hi I am looking at booking here for the summer have things improved




Hi Viking,

I am hoping to book a 3 bedroom apartment in August ,09.

Could you please let me know have things improved in

Domaine Juan Flore apartments.

Thanking you in advance.



Dear Hob,

My family (husband, two kids and myself) own an apartment in the Domaine Juan Flore since May 2007.

We got the key in 2008 and finalized furnishing etc. that summer.

I must say it is a beautiful domaine (still not completely ready), perfect location by the sea etc. but there are a few things that are still not well organized yet:

Till now we have not experienced that the swimming pool was open. In May and July 2008 it was closed and we were there last week and it was also not yet opened while the official papers indicate May 1st as opening date.

I believe in August 2008 it was open...

You can imagine being thre with kids wanting to swim!!

I believe it will be open this summer.

Furthermore there are a lot of problems with the locks of the gates and doors but each time it does get repaired but the systems do not seem to be quite good.

Because we come from the Netherlands and we would like to watch Dutch tv, this is a problem as the dishes are not receiving Dutch tv.

We will have to place our own dish in the garden which is in fact not allowed!!

Well if you have any more questions on the domaine, we would be happy to answer them.

Remains to say, when the weather is good (which is mainly the case in May - October)and you sit on your terrace with some nice French wine and the gambas are on the barbecue and you can see the sea in the distance you could imagine you are in paradise...





I have agroup of friend going over in august this year to another friend%26#39;s apartment.

We are lokking another apartment for ourselves in the complex.

would you by any chance know of anything available.




We were in Domaine Juan Flore last week (to the 9th May) and earlier in April and January.

The flooding was surely due to exceptional weather at the end of last year and in early January, they actually had snow in Antibes -- un-heard of.

Anyway the east tunnel has been open for a long while now and the west tunnel never closed. In many years visiting the area we have not had any problems with bugs or beatles and none at all in Juan Flore (the apartment is on the top floor here which may have some effect, I don%26#39;t know).

They had some safety problem with the pool water slide feature and it had to be re-designed to have no sharp edges and angles to prevent injury to children climbing on it. It was finished when we were there in April (it looks great) and the pool was cleaned and working last week but still not open, I understand it will open this week or next, I%26#39;ll post again when I know it is open.

The security has not been great because people are moving in all the time and one of the gates has been left open from 8:00am to 5:00pm to allow access for builders, gardeners, moving trucks etc. It was much better last week and should be fully secure soon.

All in All it is a lovely Domaine and when all is working!! Will be fantastic.



Hi Tim,

We will be in Juan Flore ourselves in August but I am attaching a site with several apartments on the same domaine which you can rent, there are still some weeks free in August...!

Good luck!



Hi Tim,

We have one week free at the end of August here%26#39;s the link:




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