Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How long should I dedicate to Saint-Chapelle/Conciergerie ?

Is there to much to see at the Conciergerie ?? thanks in advance


I got through Saint-Chapelle in under an hour (loved it) but skiped the Conciergerie.

This thread has more people%26#39;s thoughts . . .



Wife and I spent a good 3 hours between the two.

I took a lot of pictures.

While taking pictures, I began taking pictures of the floor. With the light streaming color across the intricate patterns of the floor it was just something that caught my eye.

Funny thing was the looks I got as I took those pictures of the floor....

So many people apparently never bother to look down....


I would agree that 3 hours is plenty of time to see both, though the lines to get through St. Chapelle%26#39;s security can be a bit slow (even with the Museum Pass), so you may want to budget a bit more time becasue of that. No waiting to get into the Conciergerie


Ste. Chapelle takes a lot of time to just get in. They only allow so many people to enter at a time, and since it is in the same area as the courthouse you have to go through a security screening. So the line tends to be quite long, especially later in the morning.

Also keep in mind that they close the Ste Chapelle for lunch.

I would say you should arrive there first thing in the morning, right when it opens, so you don%26#39;t have a huge line to wait in.

Conciergerie is especially interesting if you have any interest in the Revolution of 1789, Marie Antoinette, etc. It shows how prisoners lived at that time, and they have a number of MA%26#39;s belongings. It doesn%26#39;t take too long to tour though.

I%26#39;d say count on 9 a.m. - 12 noon for the two.


When you go to the Conciergerie DO take the tour.

I took one in English led by a historian who had many stories to tell. It made it so much more meaningful than just walking through.


Le Conciergerie didn%26#39;t take that long to go through and there was no line to enter when we visited last month. D

efinitely see St Chapelle, but you could do without Le Conceirgerie and not really nmiss much IMHO......


It took us an hour at the most to do St Chappelle. The Conciergerie was closed the 2 times we tried to go because they were setting up a new exhibit (I think).


St Chapelle is gorgeous especially with the sun streaming in. You can just sit there and gaze and the windows and the colors, take pictures. The Conciergerie, I wasn%26#39;t that impressed with it. There is one huge %26quot;hall%26quot; with gorgeous arches and architecture, but the other part is only a recreation of times when with mannequins etc. I would rather have seen, the items up closer maybe in glass, labeled etc because it is very old. But I guess the mannequins spoiled it for me, I didn%26#39;t expect that. I actually don%26#39;t know if they were the actual cells. I just felt it was really recreated like in a movie studio.


It really depends on the type of sightseer you are. If you are relatively quick with things, one hour to 90 minutes should be more than enough. Allow time to stand in line for Saint Chapelle though which could easily be 15 to 30 minutes due to the slow security.

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