Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Gare Lyon area at night

We will be arriving at Gare Lyon at approximatly 10 PM on a Friday evening in October and have to walk to our apartment on Rue Mornay in the 4th. It is about 1/2 mi. Is it safe to walk or should we try to get a taxi?


According to maps.google.com, it is a 50 minute walk. Take a taxi or a metro if you have light luggage.



Oops, I saw Gare du Nord for some bizarre reason. The walk should be very safe. You can even walk along the Seine which is a little longer but nicer. This is assuming you are traveling light.


10 minutes straight line or 15 minutes along the Seine ...


Thanks Elzevir. I%26#39;m not that familiar with the area around Gare Lyon and the area around RR stations can often tend to be a little seedy.


Gare de Lyon is one of the nicest ones. I used to work across the street from it and there are a number of businesses nearby. If you want, go to maps.google.com and choose the little guy (street view) and wander along the route.


I have to disagree with Elzevir. The most direct walking route would be to find the rue de Bercy heading northwest as far as it goes, turn right at the Boulevard de la Bastille, and take the first (and only) footbridge to the left over the canal. This will lead you right into the rue Mornay.

By walking, this would take more than 30 minutes, even if you don%26#39;t take a wrong turn. I think it%26#39;s safe.

I would not walk down to the Seine around there at that hour of night with luggage. Too many overpasses and underpasses and homeless encampments. It would be scary.

-- Steve


Not at all a problem to walk anywhere in Paris before midnight. (I would say %26#39;after midnight%26#39; as well, but I can easily imagine hesitant foreigners running into random lowlife in the middle of the night and something unfortunate happening.)



I think this our 13th trip to Paris, but I am not familiar with this particular route. No luggage, just a backpack. Returning from Nice and I think there will be no problem. Thanks all, for the info.


Kerouac2 .. I totally agree with you that the direct walking route is the one you mentioned (it shows up on maps.google.com) ..

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