Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Restaurant help pls. for next week!

We only have one night in Paris and are looking for a restaurant with french food that isn%26#39;t going to be packed with Americans, but one where the locals would dine. We%26#39;re staying in the 7th but aren%26#39;t limited to that area. Our original choice was La Ferrandaise, but it will be closed during our visit. We%26#39;d like to be able to have a nice meal for under 50 euros each, is this possible? Any suggestions would be appreciated!


Le Suffren, on ave Suffren, near the Champ de Mars.


We like La Fin Gourmet on the island. Metro stop: Pont Marie, walk across the bridge, walk down street about a block, turn left about six bldgs down. It is kitty corner across the road from Berthillon. Make a reservation


Oh, La Fin Gourmet looks nice! thanks for the recommendation.


Thanks so much for the suggestions! I%26#39;m primarily looking forward to enjoying some of the cooler weather in Europe. Even if it%26#39;s joined with rain, it has to be better than home.


Chez Marcel, 7 rue Stanislas, Montparnasse.

If you look at this map you%26#39;ll see it is a short walk from several metro stations, so depending on where you%26#39;re staying in the 7th, you should be able to access it easily. http://tinyurl.com/m3wp7q

My friend and I spent €45 each for dinner from the à la carte menu (including wine). The couple sitting next to us had chosen the prix-fixe menu and seemed to be eating and drinking just as well (if not better) for quite a bit less. :-)

It%26#39;s a real neighbourhood bistro - lots of locals. The owner speaks excellent English (if you don%26#39;t speak French), but if you do speak French he doesn%26#39;t insult you by insisting on carrying on the conversation in English.

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