Friday, March 23, 2012

Paris in Dec 2009

Hi all. Could someone give me some advice.

I am from Singapore and thinking of going to Paris alone for a week holiday. Heard that Paris in Dec is cold and well lighted for Christmas. But, I have read a lot about pickpockets and thieves in Paris. Wearing a moneybelt is a best way to prevent pickpockets from laying their hands on our personal stuff. But, I am wondering if Paris is safe for a Asian like me to travel alone? I do not want to go for an overseas holiday if I have to worry about being the target for the pickpockets.




I have been a solo female traveler in Paris 3 times and never had anything close to an issue. Obviously, you will be smart enough to take the usual precautions that you would take anywhere, but that%26#39;s about all the %26quot;warning%26quot; you need.

There are additional specific precautions listed in this forum if you want to do a search. But it%26#39;s pretty much common sense. Maybe a little extra vigilance is in order during a busy holiday season, but that is common sense as well and applies to anyplace.


My Singaporean friends have all loved Paris at Christmas -- so exotic for them! (I have always found Singapore wonderfully exotic at Christmas and Chinese New Year myself -- and I have been to Singapore almost 20 times.)

I know that pickpockets and thieves are not much of an issue in Singapore, so perhaps you have not learned the usual caution required in European cities. I really do not think that money belts are necessary, but I rarely have much cash on me, and I just leave the passport and things like that in my hotel room (even if there is not a safe). I know that a lot of Asians (particularly the Chinese) have enormous amounts of cash on them, and unfortunately this makes Asians a particular target for pickpockets.

Just be aware of who is around you, and all of the alarms should go off if people rub up against you unnecessarily (particularly getting on or off the metro). If you have stashed your important items wisely, there should be no problems at all -- and you should not spend all of your time worrying about such incidents. Paris is not a den of thieves.


I suggest using a moneybelt, but don%26#39;t carry too much cash. Be aware of your surroundings, and you%26#39;ll be okay.

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