Monday, April 16, 2012

Rue Rambuteau Apartment - deposit not confirmed


In the process of arranging to rent this apartment - - for next year. Hoped that TA forum could help with any feedback on it.

When I started research on Paris rentals earlier this year, renting in the city sounded challenging. However, early enquiries on this property went well and they were very helpful. I sent deposit via paypal two weeks ago but have had no response since, though chosen dates look to be blocked out now.

I%26#39;ve rented in Barcelona and Florence with no issue (though faster confirmation). Maybe I%26#39;m just spooked by Paris rental horror stories I read.

Searched the forum and found one other post on the property. Have sent a message, but post was not from frequent TA visitor.

Would be grateful for any feedback or nudges towards useful threads I have missed when searching.





Response and confirmation received just now. Panic over!



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