Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hotels that do not allow you to eat and/or drink in the room

Some Paris Hotels do not allow you to eat and/or drink in your own room. Alternatively, you must eat and/or drink in a designated area somewhere else in the hotel. I think this is important to know, especially for families and people with dietary needs or health issues.

The two that I know of are:

Hotel Muguet

Hotel Valadon

Anyone know of others?



None that I have been in over the years, but it could be interesting to see what turns up on this list...

In our hotel, we always save the shopping bag and %26#39;pack out our trash%26#39; when we go out the next time. It does help keep down any odor and remove the attraction to any possible %26#39;pests%26#39;. I keep a stoppered bottle of wine on the desk the entire time (not necessarily the same one over the week, bien sur!).


I ignore this sort of rule.

However, I do make the effort to remove food related trash from the room myself when it is an issue. That%26#39;s all they really care about -- the fact that certain people are total jerks and can allow things to rot or stink.

(Ha ha, TA made me change a word in this post or it was considered profanity. I did not know that the word for donkeys was worse than the word %26#39;jerks%26#39;.)


like not doing laundry in your room this is not enforceable and I would just ignore it -- all that needs done is to be discreet

hang damp clothes in the closet when you leave the room in the morning --(leave them to drip dry in the bath all night and give them a quick touch with hair dryer if necessary)

dispose of leftover food etc by carrying it out and throwing the bag in a trash receptable of which there are many in Paris

no way I would allow this sort of nonsense to prevent me from having a snack in my room


Some of those hotels will stop you at the reception desk if they can see or smell that you are carrying in food. I%26#39;ve read of such complaints in the occasional hotel review. It%26#39;s understandable, especially if they%26#39;ve recently renovated and put in new linens and carpets.


Oh, I would absolutely love for a hotel receptionist to try and stop me because of the aroma of my bag.


If you know they don%26#39;t allow food in the rooms then simply do not stay at that hotel. There are thousands of other hotels in Paris. We are always discreet about it and clean up after ourselves. We%26#39;ve also stayed in hotels that allowed us to have our dinner in their breakfast room.


I have4 heard about the HOtel Muguet doing that,, its one of those %26quot;Rick Steves%26quot; picks,, and he advocates picnicing in rooms,, and most likely,, as pointed out,, some people are very piggy and have ruined it for others by making a mess, or attracting vermin with crumbs etc.

I have never personally stayed in a hotel in Paris that does not allow you to eat or drink in room( I have never asked, but, also, I have never seen any signage,, etc) .. In fact every place I have stayed in that had a mini bar allowed me to remove their drinks from the mini bars and keep my yogurts and juices etc in the fridge,, so maids knew I was snacking in room and didn%26#39;t seem to mind.

I have stayed at :

Hotel Brighton,

Hotel Des Mines

Hotel Des Grand Hommes

Hotel Le Royal

Hotel Le Regent

Hotel de la Place du Louvre

Hotel Paul Bernard


Interestingly, when I first visited North America (20 years ago) I was quite surprised that there was no prohibition on food and drink in hotel rooms,and indeed in some places it was encouraged (pizza delivery menus in the room). At that time it was certainly not the case in the UK and the parts of Europe that I had visited. Whilst the signs saying no food in rooms are rarer than they used to be they were certainly present in my hotel in Paris last October. The information was also in the booking conditions that I was sent.


What was your hotel?


I totally agree with Suzanne. It just gets a little frustrating when you think you have found the perfect hotel, location, price, etc that this prohibition ruins it.

As a quick reference for future travellers, I thought compiling a hotel list would be helpful.

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